Thursday, October 14, 2010

Homework Blues

       As I shuffled into the classroom, I knew that Mr. Van Camp would never believe me. I looked at my scuffed shoes and mumbled, " My homework is not done, Sir. I do have a good excuse though."

       Mr. Van Camp scowled as he looked up from the papers he was marking. "This is not the first time your homework has not been completed. Perhaps," he suggested, "it's time to speak with your parents."

      "Please, you have no idea what will happen to me if you phone my home," I moaned.
     "Well, let's hear your excuse. It better be good."
     "Well last night I was sitting at home sharpening my pencil and I turn around and my homework is gone"

     Mr. Van Camp screamed at the top of his lungs," This isn't even worth listening to!"

     "Just hear me out"

     "Fine what happened?"

     "Ok well as I was saying I was sharpening my pencil and i turned around and my homework was gone, the only thin that was left was a little spec of egg shell. I followed a little trace of the white shell,into the street,and all of a sudden i saw a little blur of a large white figure running across the street at excessive speed. I ran after this unknown figure in the hope that i would my homework so that i could complete it on time and as I ran closer and closer the figure began to become more and more familiar. When i was in pouncing distance i leaped and landed on the suspect of my missing homework. As i revealed the mask i looked up and i was right in front of your house, i revealed who had taken my homework and it was your wife who had led me your house. She invited me into your house and and invited me to come into her room she led me to the closet and showed me her private stash of homework that she had accumulated over the years of living with you she gave me the answers but i dindt feel comfortable not being honest toward you and i gave her back the answers and went home."

    "That doesnt even sound real. I am giving you a zero for everything you done over the course of the year"

    "No you cant do that.

1 comment:

  1. Dialogue could be more interactive - needs polishing. Cliche assignment well done. First assignment could be much more detailed. Missing essay assignment. 26/60
